10 Steps to Enjoy Working from Home and Being Productive - Quezqa

Enjoy Working from Home

“Oh boy, feels like 2020 will never get better”.

Do you wake up having this thought in your head? Do not despair, we will make you feel less worried about this crazy corona-year and make sure you enjoy it in full!

Most of the people not only in the USA but all over the world were forced to give up their office space and work from home. Some were happy to wear pajamas and work like it was meant to be this way. Others though found it rather difficult to concentrate and be productive in such an environment. Whether you are able to stay at home and do your job or you are struggling to cope with it, this article is here to help you enjoy this period and learn to be efficient.

What do we start with? Of course your morning routine! 

1. Set your mood in the right direction

Wake up like you normally do before going to your office office. Get a nice cup of coffee, some delicious breakfast and enjoy it to the fullest. Take your time to start your day with a positive attitude, because you don't need to run for a bus anymore.

A hand holding a cup of coffee on a dark background.

2. Play boss

Imagine yourself in your manager’s position and give yourself some job to do in due time. Set a timer and check on your progress every now and then. Isn’t it nice to be able to monitor someone?

A white desk with a white clock, a pen and a notebook.

3. Organize your space

Prepare everything you might need and organize your desk for better productivity. Check our latest blog with 10 useful steps to have your workspace work for you! 

A laptop, a plant, a pencil box, an alarm on a desk.

4. Remove all the distractions

Log out from your Netflix, remove any social media distractions and focus on your job! The temptation of checking your instagram or watching videos will be lower with no possibilities to access them. 

A computer with a Netflix logo on a white desk.

5. Keep yourself busy

Research shows that a busy environment makes people work more efficiently. If you have quite a bit to do, you start working on a higher speed and focus on each and every task better.  

A hand holding a pen and writing in a notebook.

6. Challenge yourself 

Play around, force yourself to finish everything faster. Try to complete a piece of work before your laundry machine is done with washing. 

A laptop with a timer on a desk.

7. Set ground rules

Make sure that your roommates or family do not disturb you during your “office” hours. Let them know about your working schedule and explain how important it is to maintain it.

A woman in a pick t-shirt holding a sing "Sorry, I'm busy".

8. Take quality breaks

Rather than watching some videos and checking Facebook, go for a walk and get yourself a coffee. Talking to a colleague or a friend would also be really helpful and nice.

A woman in black boots walking on a street.

9. Play music

Listen to energizing music that makes you feel motivated to work. Good thing about working from home is that you can actually tune it on your speaker and keep the volume up. Do not scare your neighbors with Rammstien, though.

A phone playing music.

10. Write something nice

Take a piece of paper and write an optimistic quote that you like the most. Keep it in front of your eyes to bring some positive energy!

An inspiring note in a notebook.

Let us know which tips you are already following and which you would like to try. Keep smiling and enjoy this precious time that is given to you!

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1 comment

  • I always start my day with a big cup of coffee and listen to some energetic music to get started! Recommend to everyone 😇


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